February 2024 Update
February update brings back the remaining essential features from PixelOS 13 with some major fixes.
We've also added OEM like "Link to Windows" feature for better integration with your Windows PC.
Besides that, the February patches have been merged with tag android-14.0.0_r26
Feature additions and fixes:
- Merged February Security patches
- Added expandable volume dialog
- Added in-call vibration options
- Added VPN over tethering/ hotspot
- Integrated link to windows
- Fixed an issue where some apks wouldn't install
- Fixed an issue where separate data and wifi tiles wouldn't work properly
- Fixed an issue where recording notification wouldn't dismiss on delete
- Fixed an issue where DT2S toggle wouldn't work
- Improved refresh rate settings
- Removed Power off alarm notification
- Updated translations
Improved refresh rate settings and In-call vibrations


Stay tuned for further updates and device-specific changelogs as the update rolls out for supported devices.
We would also like to thank those who have been translating PixelOS into different languages for their contributions as they've been a great help. If you've noticed anything that isn't translated in a language you speak, please consider helping out with the translations at https://translate.pixelos.net.
Support PixelOS's Development
We're immensely grateful for the ongoing support from our incredible community. While we haven't quite reached our donation goal, we see a fantastic opportunity for our users to make a more meaningful impact. Instead of contributing via PayPal, we invite you to consider sponsoring us on GitHub here. By doing so, you're not only helping us meet our financial targets but also directing your support towards PixelOS's growth without adding to PayPal's bottom line.
A heartfelt thank you to our current sponsors: GowthamJERRY4, marcelodambrowski, leomanmfk, navharsh and two other private sponsors.
Thanks for being part of PixelOS.
The PixelOS Team